There are other reasons for wanting to exchange or remove breast implants other than breast implant deflation. The second most common reason for breast implant exchange in Los Angeles is simply to go bigger. Initially, most “flat-chested” women ask for implants that are just a bit bigger- “may be to go from an A cup to a B”. After breast augmentation, most women regret not having gone bigger.
There are more serious reasons for exchanging breast implants Los Angeles plastic surgeons tell us:
1. Capsular Contracture: formation of a hard and painful scar tissue around implant occurs rarely. Besides having to remove this tight capsule (capsulectomy), breast implants should be changed from a smooth to textured surface, in order to reduce the recurrence rate of capsular contracture.
2. Breast Implant rippling: All breast implants are palpable to a certain degree. In extreme cases a woman can feel or even observe ripples in their breast implants. This is more common in textured and saline implants, and to a lesser degree in silicone breast implants. To remedy this problem plastic surgeons usually recommend exchanging saline implants to silicone; and also to move the implant from a sub-glandular location to a sub-muscular position.
3. Changing breast shape and projection: women can increase the degree of their cleavage by going bigger! Larger Beverly Hills breast implants have a wider diameter, thus creating more cleavage. They also fill the upper pole of the breast better for those who are fairly flat on the top. High Profile Implants can change the look of the breasts from a more subtle to a perkier look.
4. Changing breast implant feel: With regards to saline and silicone breast implants Beverly Hills patients know that they feel different. While saline breast implants feel slightly firmer, silicone breast implants feel softer. On the other hand silicone implants are heavier and hang more than saline breast implants.
5. Breast Sagging: Breasts sag after childbirth, breast feeding, and with age or with weight loss. Those who choose a breast lift, or mastopexy, often decide to exchange their breast implants for a newer model, or different shape or size.
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