Do I Still Need a Breast Lift if I get Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants?
Beverly Hills breast implants augment breast volume and thus replenish the emptiness of a sagging breast. Although breast implants fill the breasts, they at best, minimally lift the breasts depending on the extent of skin and soft tissue laxity. Therefore, the premise that by choosing a bigger breast implant you can avoid the need for a breast lift is false.
Does a breast lift affect the look of the areola and nipples?
As breasts sag the nipple-areola complex also stretches and gets larger. It is customary to reduce the size of the areola during a Beverly Hills breast lift or Mastopexy procedure to that of a normal sized areola which has a diameter of approximately 1.5 inches.
Does wearing a bra prevent breast sagging or ptosis?
Although the drooping of breasts depend on a multitude of factors that were discussed earlier, in women with large and heavy breasts bra support will prevent excessive stretching of the Cooper’s Ligaments, thus diminishing the extend of breast sagging.
Does breast feeding cause breast ptosis or sagging?
Breast feeding by itself does not cause ptosis, but breast enlargement as a result of pregnancy, followed by their shrinkage with drying of the milk causes stretching of the breasts which ultimately cause them to sag.
How Will Breast Lift Surgery Alter My Breast Size?
As a rule, a Breast Lift will reduce the size of your breasts – generally by one cup size. This is due to the removal of excess breast skin, which itself carries a certain volume. To compensate for the lost breast volume you may then consider having a breast implant placed along with your Breast Lift surgery in
Mammogram and Breast Self-Examination
Mastopexy does neither alter your ability for breast self-examination, nor is it a hindrance for receiving a mammogram. Your plastic surgeon Los Angeles will probably recommend that you get a mammogram six months after your Mastopexy in order to establish a baseline.
Can the areola size be reduced with a Mastopexy?
Yes. The diameter and size of a stretched-out areola can be reduced via a Peri-areolar or an inverted-T mastopexy.
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