This is a common question among Los Angeles breast augmentation surgery patients; whether their implants should be placed above or below the pectoral muscle. Los Angeles breast implants that are placed over the pectoral muscle are known as “overs,” or “Subglandular” breast implant placement. Breast implants that are placed under the pectoral muscle are known as – you guessed it – “unders,” or “Submuscular” breast implant placement.
It is best to schedule a consultation with your Beverly Hills breast augmentation surgeon first, before deciding which is best for you, however there are many online resources with information on each choice, just to have an idea. It is good to research before hand, and bring questions to your consultation, that way the doctor can answer them then.
With subglandular breast implant placement, the implants are placed directly on top of the pectoral muscle and just behind the breast tissue. Some women prefer these types of implants because they are easier to place by the surgeon, support larger implants, require less recovery time and post-op discomfort, can create more cleavage, and avoid breast lift surgery for sagging. On the other hand, some women prefer not to get subglandular breast implants because they tend to have a more augmented look, are more susceptible to rippling and capsule contraction, and can sometimes complicate mammogram readings. Usually it comes down to the woman’s preference of look and feel for this type of placement.
With submuscular breast implant placement, the implants are placed beneath the pectoral muscle, and sometimes only partially beneath the pectoral muscle using specific incisions and placement on the surgeon’s part. This type of placement is ideal for those who want to avoid the risks of having the implants ripple, rupture, or bottom out, as well as have more successful mammogram readings. On the other hand, submuscular implants are a more technical procedure, requiring more healing time, more post-op discomfort, as well as the risk of distorting when the muscle is flexed, and less easily creating cleavage, especially if the implants are placed farther apart. For more information on the many types of Beverly Hills breast implants and for a qualified and experienced
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