Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Over the Muscle or Under the Muscle, Which is Better?

This is a common question among Los Angeles breast augmentation surgery patients; whether their implants should be placed above or below the pectoral muscle. Los Angeles breast implants that are placed over the pectoral muscle are known as “overs,” or “Subglandular” breast implant placement. Breast implants that are placed under the pectoral muscle are known as – you guessed it – “unders,” or “Submuscular” breast implant placement.

It is best to schedule a consultation with your Beverly Hills breast augmentation surgeon first, before deciding which is best for you, however there are many online resources with information on each choice, just to have an idea. It is good to research before hand, and bring questions to your consultation, that way the doctor can answer them then.

With subglandular breast implant placement, the implants are placed directly on top of the pectoral muscle and just behind the breast tissue. Some women prefer these types of implants because they are easier to place by the surgeon, support larger implants, require less recovery time and post-op discomfort, can create more cleavage, and avoid breast lift surgery for sagging. On the other hand, some women prefer not to get subglandular breast implants because they tend to have a more augmented look, are more susceptible to rippling and capsule contraction, and can sometimes complicate mammogram readings. Usually it comes down to the woman’s preference of look and feel for this type of placement.

With submuscular breast implant placement, the implants are placed beneath the pectoral muscle, and sometimes only partially beneath the pectoral muscle using specific incisions and placement on the surgeon’s part. This type of placement is ideal for those who want to avoid the risks of having the implants ripple, rupture, or bottom out, as well as have more successful mammogram readings. On the other hand, submuscular implants are a more technical procedure, requiring more healing time, more post-op discomfort, as well as the risk of distorting when the muscle is flexed, and less easily creating cleavage, especially if the implants are placed farther apart. For more information on the many types of Beverly Hills breast implants and for a qualified and experienced Los Angeles breast augmentation surgeon in your area, visit

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why Women Seek Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles

Beverly hills breastimplant surgery Breast augmentation has become, if not the most popular, at least one of the most popular Los Angeles cosmetic surgery procedures. In fact, the popularity of breast implant surgery has moved beyond Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and Southern California, to the rest of the United States. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), in 2003 nearly 255,000 women in the United States underwent breast augmentation; nearly twice the number performed in 1998

Visit any gym in Los Angeles these days, and you’ll see so many women with beautifully proportioned bodies! Having a lovely body and full breasts is no longer a luxury that is limited to celebrities. Thanks to cosmetic surgery, and advances in Beverly Hills Breast Implant surgery, and Enhancement, all women can now enjoy fuller and sexier breasts.

So what are some reasons, other than the more obvious ones, why women seek Los Angeles and Beverly Hills breast implants? Well, some women never developed normal-shaped or normal-sized breasts as the rest of their body matured. Frustrated with the lack of results from breast enlargement firming creams, pills, exercises, or machines, these women turn to breast augmentation surgery to achieve the proportional figure that they had always desired.

Other women were unfortunately born with abnormal or asymmetrical breast deformities such as Poland's Syndrome, which results from the failure of breast gland and pectoral chest muscles to development on one side. Similarly, others were afflicted with tubular or tuberous breast deformity which causes the constriction and narrowing of the base of the breast along with the enlargement of the areola. Los Angeles breast implants and breast augmentation surgery has been able to give these women normal-looking and beautiful breasts.

Los Angeles Breast Augmentation with breast implants has been a viable and safe option for breast reconstruction, which is done on many women who have lost their breasts to breast cancer. Breast Reconstruction with breast implants utilizes breast implant expanders to first enlarge the breast skin envelope before the final saline or silicone breast implant is placed. Talk to a Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon about the many options available in Breast Augmentation Surgery in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

You’ve Heard of Silicone and Saline Implants…

Here are some types of Los Angeles breast implants you may not have heard of:

Cohesive Gel Implants
Cohesive gel implants are silicone implants that are filled with a thicker silicone gel that holds its shape and form like a "gummy bear." If you cut into a standard gel implant, the liquid silicone gel escapes from the implant shell. In contrast, when you cut into a cohesive gel implant, the implant itself maintains its shape and integrity. These shaped implants are designed with a focus upon a natural look, rather than for enlargement. Furthermore, gummy bear implants maintain their shape in an upright position that decreases the incidence of folding of the implant shell or rippling. If a cohesive gel implant ruptures, it maintains both its shape and integrity.

One disadvantage of cohesive gel Beverly Hills breast implants is that they require a slightly larger incision for insertion. Because of this, insertion is usually performed through an incision in the fold under the breast, or occasionally through an incision around the areola. Cohesive gel implants are very difficult to insert through an incision in the armpit. Finally, gummy bear implants were approved in late 2006 by the FDA for use in the United States, but their use is limited to certain age, and patient require strict follow-up with MRI to look for silent rupture.

PIP Implants
PIP implants are breast implants manufactured in
France by Poly Implant Prostheses, and, until recently, imported by PIP/USA. PIP implants are saline but, unlike other saline implants, they are pre-filled. This form of Los Angeles breast augmentation is not currently approved by the FDA for use in the United States.

Soybean oil-filled Implants
Soy oil-filled implants provide a material less dense than silicone gel, or saline solution, to allow for better visualization of mammograms in the presence of implants. The goal was also to achieve a material of similar safety to saline to allow clearing once the implants eventually fail and leak. These implants are not approved by the FDA for use in the
United States.

Expandable Implants
The Spectrum implants introduced by Mentor Corporation are expandable and can be filled anywhere from 25cc to 140cc depending on the initial size of the implant itself. They come with a small remote port that is placed over the outer chest rib cage. They can be filled over weeks to months to let the patient decide exactly on the size. The advantages of this form of
Beverly Hills breast augmentation are the flexibility and range of fill size and the ability to change it after surgery. The disadvantages are that it requires a second surgery to remove the port from the chest wall. There is also a higher infection rate with a remote port and that these implants are costlier than standard implants.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.